The Artist for all occasions

Автор: Art Galina
Год издания: 2024 год.
ISBN: 978-5-6047270-7-2

Скачать в формате: FB2 EPUB

Описание книги

"The artist for all life's occasions" - these are stories about how the artist Alexeyev, along with the Collector Bargainhunter and the Art Connoisseur Beauty Gal, explores the world of art with detective-like persistence. They solve gallery mysteries, set prices for paintings, negotiate with clients, and create true masterpieces. In the book, you'll find funny scenes, ironic dialogues, and engaging puzzles related to the world of art and sales. These are light stories about how the artist overcomes all the challenges encountered in his creative and commercial activities. You can read the chapters of the book in any order.

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The Artist for all occasions