How to make your life better or get everything you want. бесплатное чтение

Chapter 1.

Man is the source of vibrations.

Any body is made up of molecules and atoms. Atoms are constantly moving, and according to the laws of physics, this creates certain vibrations – vibrations. This process is not one-time, but continuous, and occurs at such frequencies that we simply do not notice.

Vibration is the oscillation or repetitive movement of an object.

An example is mechanical and electromagnetic waves.

Vibrates everything living and non-living: from a stone, a butterfly to a spaceship.

The faster the movement, the higher the vibration frequency.

In the human body, vibrations arise from the movement of molecules and masses: the heart beats, blood moves, muscles contract.

The vibration frequency of a person depends on emotions and thoughts. You know the feeling when the heart “shrinks” with fear? Or, conversely, the heart beats faster with joy. Emotions make us tense certain muscles and trigger vibrations unconsciously. Each of them has its own frequency.

Let's move on to the most important thing. What is human energy?

In fact, it is the totality of all vibrations of the body.

High vibrations – bright thoughts (love – 150 Hz, gratitude – 90 Hz).

Low frequencies – destructive thoughts (pity – 3 Hz, grief – 0.1 Hz).

With positive emotions, the muscles relax, the movement of blood is free. The vibrational frequency of a person rises.

The natural form of movement of all parts of the universe is vibration. The human body and everything that surrounds it is no exception to this rule.

The cumulative frequency depends on many factors:

• on the state of the body, on the quality of food;

• bad habits, hygiene;

• connection with the surrounding nature, climate, season;

• on the quality of feelings, purity of thoughts and other factors.

If several objects are close in their vibration frequencies, they resonate and amplify each other's vibrations, a synergistic effect appears, that is, each object receives additional interaction energy.

If objects have incommensurable frequencies, then an object with more energy can overwhelm the vibrations of a weaker object. In radio engineering, this is called the "capture phenomenon". And in the human body, this is how the disease develops when exposed to pathogenic factors.

Our life and health depends on how we can “absorb” vibrations that are beneficial for us, resonate at the frequencies of the universe that are consonant with us, and reject harmful vibrations that suppress our life force.

Studies of the frequencies of parts of the human body using modern spectral analysis instruments (research by Dr. Robert Becker) give the following data:

1. The average frequency of the human body during the daytime is 62-68 MHz.

2. The frequency of body parts of a healthy person is in the range of 62-78 MHz, if the frequency drops, then the immune system has suffered damage.

3. The main frequency of the brain can be within 80-82MHz.

4. Brain frequency range 72-90 MHz.

5. Normal brain frequency is 72 MHz.

6. The frequency of the human body parts: from the neck up lies in the range of 72-78 MHz.

7. The frequency of the human body parts: from the neck down lies in the range of 60-68 MHz.

8. The frequency of the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands 62-68 MHz.

9. Thymus frequency 65-68 MHz.

10. Heart rate 67-70 MHz.

11. Light frequency 58-65 MHz.

12. Liver frequency 55-60 MHz.

13. Frequency of the pancreas 60-80 MHz.

14. The frequency of the bones is 43 MHz , at this frequency the bones do not have their own immunity, despite their hardness. They are protected by soft tissues with a higher natural frequency.

Colds and flu will start in a person if the frequency drops to 57-60 MHz,

If the frequency falls below 58 MHz, any disease occurs, depending on its pathogenic source.

Fungal infections proliferate when the frequency drops below 55 MHz.

Susceptibility to cancer occurs at a frequency of 42 MHz.

Frequency drop to 25 MHz – collapse, death.

Special precautions must be taken against the occurrence of sound vibrations with the following frequencies, because the coincidence of frequencies leads to resonance:

• 20-30 Hz (head resonance)

• 40-100 Hz (eye resonance)

• 0.5-13 Hz (resonance of the vestibular apparatus)

• 4-6 Hz (heart resonance)

• 2-3 Hz (stomach resonance)

• 2-4 Hz (intestinal resonance)

• 6-8 Hz (kidney resonance)

• 2-5 Hz (hand resonance).

When do destructive vibrations arise?

It turns out that they appear in a person as a result of the action of his negative personal qualities or emotions:

• grief gives vibrations – from 0.1 to 2 hertz;

• fear from 0.2 to 2.2 hertz;

• resentment – from 0.6 to 3.3 hertz;

• irritation – from 0.9 to 3.8 hertz ; ;

• perturbation – from 0.6 to 1.9 hertz;

• self – gives a maximum vibration of 2.8 hertz;

• irascibility (anger) – 0.9 hertz;

• flash of rage – 0.5 hertz; anger – 1.4 hertz;

• pride – 0.8 hertz; pride – 3.1 hertz;

• neglect – 1.5 hertz;

• superiority – 1.9 hertz,

• pity – 3 hertz.

If a person lives with feelings, then he has completely different vibrations:

• conformity – from 38 hertz and above;

• acceptance of the World as it is, without indignation and other negative emotions – 46 hertz;

• generosity – 95 hertz;

• vibrations of gratitude – 45 hertz;

• heartfelt gratitude – from 140 hertz and above;

• unity with other people – 144 hertz and above;

• compassion – from 150 hertz and above (and pity is only 3 hertz);

• love, which is called the head, that is, when a person understands that love is a good, bright feeling and great strength, but still cannot love with the heart – 50 hertz;

• love that a person generates with his heart to all people without exception and all living things – from 150 hertz and above;

• love is unconditional, sacrificial, accepted in the universe – from 205 hertz and above.

You can shift your frequency spectrum upwards with fresh foods and herbs, essential oils.

Nothing in the world is at rest – everything is seething, vibrating, moving, radiating energy with its characteristic frequency.

You and I can and do radiate different vibrations, be it fear and illness or joy and health. How to regulate this process and linger on the second one? Let's take a closer look at what affects our vibrations and how to raise them.

Vibrations: high and low

It has long been no secret to anyone that we are all made up of energy, vibrating particles. Our physical body, which seems to us so dense and elastic, is actually energy vibrating at a certain frequency, this is clearly visible in super-powerful microscopes.

At what frequency do we vibrate?

A healthy body vibrates at a higher frequency than a diseased one. When a person falls ill, part of him begins to vibrate at lower frequencies. That is, for the recovery of the body, we need, firstly, to raise the level of vibrations, first in a sore spot, and secondly, to raise the level of vibrations throughout the body.

What are the energies of low vibrations and the energies of high vibrations ?

Every day we use one or another frequency of energy. We do not need to measure it somehow, there are elementary criteria by which you can determine for yourself which energies currently dominate in your life.

High vibration energy criteria (health and wellness):

• bright thoughts;

• joy;

• mood for positive;

• You come from unconditional love in relation to everything;

• You come from abundance in relation to different areas of your life.

• You are set for good luck .

Criteria for energy of low vibrations (diseases):

• negative emotions: anger, fear, anger, regrets;

• vision around the dark, bad side, pessimistic attitude;

• You base your decisions on fear or other negative feelings and emotions;

• You come from a lack in relation to different areas of your life;

• You always expect failure.

If you are tuned mainly to the energies of low vibrations, they will also not be slow to manifest in your life and bring more of the same energies – if you are afraid of failure, wait – it is already on the threshold, you are afraid that they will cut your salary – wait, this is also not far off.

What to do if you understand that at the moment you are tuned to the energies of low vibrations, while for success in life and health in general you need to be tuned to higher vibrations?

How to re -tune to another, higher vibrational wave?

It is much easier to do this than many people who have settled deep in low vibrations think. This can be done instantly, because the energy is constantly being rebuilt, reconfigured, and you can tune it to the wave you need, the frequency of vibrations.

The easiest way to raise your vibrational frequency is with positive thoughts. Thoughts in general almost completely shape not only the events of our life, but in general – our state, both physical and spiritual. If you are positive and think positively, your vibrational frequency rises.

Chapter 2.

Where is your attention, there is your energy or make your dream come true.

Don't give energy to what you don't believe in.

Imagine your thoughts, feelings in the form of a flow of energy, which, being its sources, you can control.

With this energy, you can achieve whatever you want in your life .

Always remember: thinking determines being .

Everything starts with a thought.

Thought energy can have a very high or very low vibrational frequency.

Take a look around, try to understand everything you see , everything has its origins in the invisible world of energy.

What your life will be depends on your views on the world and the is that you wear. Your thoughts form the energy that places you in certain circumstances.

Phases of formation and realization of desire.

1. Phase of desire.

It is necessary to declare your intention or desire.

2.Phase request

Request from the divine source of energy. Ask and receive.

The request for intention should be aloud and there is an increase in energy .

3 Energy or emotion must be attached to the intention or desire.

Intention or desire without emotions will not come true, will not be fulfilled.

You need to have passion to solve a problem. Inner desire cannot be extinguished by external forces.

4 Aspiration or passion, the presence of will.

Avoid what you don't need.

To fulfill your desire, avoid what you do not need.

It is necessary to stop giving energy to everything that you do not want and do not believe in. Most people spend all their energy on this.

Thought precedes any action.

We waste energy on things we don't need.

Your mind goes through over 60,000 thoughts throughout the day. Pay attention to how many thoughts are given to what you do not need.

When you stop wasting energy , you will move to a level of more spiritual energy.

Get rid of the habit of negative thinking.

You can get rid of the habit of negative thinking, as follows:

stop and ask yourself, what do I need?

Move from desire to action, you will achieve what you want.

The main thing is to stop thinking and saying what you do not want .

From desire, move to intention , which will make you act.

We spend our energy on the circumstances , not on what we intend to create. Thus, holding the circumstances that we want to get rid of.

It is impossible to achieve prosperity if all your thoughts revolve around hating a beggarly existence.

necessary to redirect energy from what you have to what you intend to create and desire.

When you stop giving energy to unnecessary things, all the energy of the universe will open before you, you can draw an unlimited amount of energy. If you have faith , you can collect as much energy as you want.

True abundance is the assurance that everything you need will be given to you.

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