Nakshatras бесплатное чтение


Choosing a favorable time for starting an endeavor (muhurat) is a very important aspect of a person’s life, as these events will influence their fate in the future. Starting a business, beginning construction or purchasing a home, studying, holding a wedding ceremony, going on a vacation or a business trip—all these events can become auspicious thanks to knowledge. Therefore, it is so important to know where the Moon is in the horoscope. The nakshatras provide an opportunity to obtain deeper information about a person (they divide each zodiac sign into groups of stars, and each has its uniqueness), and they help distinguish which people assist in their development, and who will drag us down or even prove dangerous for us.


While the Sun’s movement is connected to the 12 zodiac signs (a solar division of the horoscope into 12 parts, with the Sun passing through all signs in one year), the Moon’s movement is connected to the 27 nakshatras (a lunar division of the horoscope into 27 parts, with the Moon passing through all signs within 27-28 days). The nakshatras are very important in Vedic astrology, as they influence a person’s thinking, character, intuition, and desires.

The word nakshatra contains three meanings: night, destruction, and protection, meaning protection from destruction at night. Nakshatras are a nighttime division of the sky into 27 houses in the zodiac, with each house containing 13 degrees and 20 minutes. If we multiply 27 by 13 degrees and 20 minutes, we get 360 degrees, which constitutes the full circle of the zodiac.

Nakshatras are groups of stars, called lunar mansions, that are used for horoscope reading and obtaining deep information about a person’s nature, inclinations, habits, and many other things. The nakshatras are divided into groups based on their directional view: looking down, up, or forward.

Adho Mukha – Nakshatras looking down, a group meant for investigating deep questions, learning something profound, delving into spiritual matters, and are also intended for meditation, grounding, and burial. Nakshatras belonging to this group include:

Bharani, Krittika, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Vishakha, Mula, Purvashadha, Purva Bhadrapada.

Urdhva Mukha – Nakshatras looking up, this group is used for success in matters directed upwards (towards the sky). It’s about getting a job, increasing status, career improvement, airplane travel, planting, and financial investment. Nakshatras belonging to this group include:

Rohini, Ardra, Pushya, Uttara Phalguni, Uttarashadha, Shravana, Dhanishta, Shatabhisha, Uttara Bhadrapada.

Tiryanga Mukha – Nakshatras looking forward, meant for supporting matters that require continuation or continuity, improvement of something serious (production, creation). Nakshatras belonging to this group include:

Ashwini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Revati.

When we combine the solar type of horoscope division with the lunar type, we get 108 parts, called Navamsha or padas. Each nakshatra is divided into 4 parts of 3 degrees and 20 minutes each. These parts are called padas. Each pada carries the characteristics of a particular zodiac sign, starting from Aries. The four padas are symbolically associated with the four goals of life: Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. The first pada is always a fiery pada, the second – earthy, the third – airy, and the fourth – watery. Likewise, the padas correspond to the goals of a person’s life. If a person has more planets in the first pada in the horoscope, then Dharma (duty, spiritual purpose) is important to them; in the second – Artha (material matters); in the third – Kama (fulfillment of desires); and in the fourth – Moksha (the end of the life cycle and death).

Each nakshatra has its sequential number and a planet that rules over it.

Рис.0 Nakshatras

The energies of the ruling planet influence the characteristics of the Nakshatra. Every planet and the rising sign (Lagna, ascendant) have a Nakshatra responsible for them. In this way, it is possible to check how your Nakshatra interacts with the Nakshatras of other people and what results this may bring (something positive or negative, dangerous). Health conditions, career development, and personal relationships can be checked according to the Nakshatras.

Janma Nakshatra – the star constellation where the Moon is located at the time of birth, is the most important Nakshatra. It can be calculated separately online or received during the horoscope calculation. If you know in which sign and degree the Moon is located in the birth chart, as well as the degrees each Nakshatra occupies, you can determine in which Nakshatra the Moon is found (the same applies to the Nakshatra of the ascendant sign and the Nakshatras of the other planets). The birth Nakshatra (Janma Nakshatra) shows which planetary period the person’s life began from.

Lagna Nakshatra – the star constellation occupied by the Lagna (ascendant sign) at the time of birth. This Nakshatra is also very important. It shows the external expression of the person, how they present themselves, how other people see them. Sometimes, the Janma Nakshatra matches the Lagna Nakshatra in a person, meaning it is the same Nakshatra (the Moon is in the first house and in the same Nakshatra as the ascendant sign).


Shakti is the power, energy, that exists in every Nakshatra. We or our lives may change in the presence of a person with a certain Shakti from their Janma Nakshatra or Lagna Nakshatra. If we spend a lot of time with someone, their Shakti affects us, and our Shakti affects them. Because of this, it is also possible to choose a good time to do something. Thus, there are people who lead us to victory, and people who drag us down. The days when the Moon is in a certain Nakshatra, or a person born in that Nakshatra, can help us achieve our goals. The Shakti of our Janma Nakshatra and Lagna Nakshatra should be analyzed together with the Nakshatras of people who interest us.


Ashwini gives the power to achieve goals quickly, to obtain the necessary things in life. This applies to both material and spiritual matters. If a person begins interacting with an Ashwini personality, they will acquire the energy to achieve goals swiftly. If you must get results quickly, you should act when the Moon passes through Ashwini in the transit chart or find a person whose ascendant sign or Moon is in Ashwini (Ashwini Shakti).


Bharani – the power to take and keep moving forward. Such power takes what is unnecessary. If you want to get rid of something, put an end to something, and then move forward, there must be a connection to Bharani Shakti (help from a Bharani personality or getting rid of something unnecessary when the Moon enters Bharani in the transit chart).


Krittika – the power to burn and purify in a material sense. This is spiritual Shakti. If you talk to a representative of the Krittika Nakshatra, they will help you break free from material attachments. This helps when a person constantly worries about money, the fear of losing something. Krittika Shakti gives the opportunity to gain inner freedom, significant spiritual progress.


Rohini – the power of growth and creation. Everything that needs to grow, begin, or move from a stuck place, something that has been unsuccessful for a long time, will be helped by Rohini Shakti (starting action when the Moon passes through Rohini or interacting with a Rohini personality).


Mrigashira – the power to fulfill desires and bring joy, satisfaction. Mrigashira Shakti helps those who cannot get what they want and do not feel satisfaction from their actions.


Ardra – the power to apply effort and ability to achieve. If there is not enough willpower, Ardra Shakti can help. At first, it removes something that hinders the person, and afterward helps to begin something new or start something new, as well as achieve what is desired through opportunities and efforts.


Punarvasu – the power of accumulating wealth and assets. It is beneficial to be around such individuals in order to acquire and accumulate. Partnering with them in business will be successful – it will bring profits, and the business will be well-preserved. The Moon in this nakshatra helps with accumulation.


Pushya – grants the Shakti for creative power, spirituality, and also the power to manage (for example, a spiritual teacher – a Pushya personality). The Shakti of this nakshatra enables significant development in these directions.


Ashlesha – the power to destroy harmful forces, disarming them through poison. It is the power to neutralize enemies (not literally). Ashlesha personalities can help with this by neutralizing adversaries with their energy.


Magha – the power to gain opportunities to avoid attachments to the body and to understand opportunities to leave the body. The Shakti of this nakshatra is suited for highly spiritual matters and can partly aid in healing. Suffering from illnesses often happens due to a strong attachment to the physical body (such as fear of death). Magha helps to understand that this suffering is insignificant in comparison to spiritual life, which is our true essence. A Magha personality can help in realizing this.

Purva Phalguni

Purva Phalguni – the power to create something new and unite opposites. This nakshatra is auspicious for renewal, to start everything anew, and change one’s life. The power of this Shakti can give the understanding of how to unite what seems un-unifiable and to find mutual understanding with someone.

Uttara Phalguni

Uttara Phalguni – the power to thrive through marital connections. This Shakti brings prosperity in all areas, especially in love. Consulting a Uttara Phalguni personality can be helpful in these matters.


Hasta – the power to receive what one seeks, to place the object of desire into one’s hands. It provides the energy to achieve desired results or the opportunity to find what the person couldn’t previously, or to gain what truly belongs to them, even if they were unaware of it.


Chitra – the power to accumulate good karma (Purva Punya) and merits. Those who are tired of difficult life events receive good fortune through a Chitra personality.


Swati – the power to create change and transform, the ability to disperse, like the wind. With a Swati personality, one can undergo significant transformation, whether it’s letting go of certain habits or reaching a new level. Such individuals can help foster inner change, let go of the old, bring more ease, create changes, and provide opportunities to reach a new level materially (in business, for example) or spiritually.


Vishakha – the power to attain and reveal the hidden, to make the unseen visible. Beneficial for those seeking to unravel a secret, a truth, or to discover something long concealed. Talking to a Vishakha personality can help with this. If you yourself are a Vishakha personality, it will be very difficult for others to hide anything from you.


Anuradha – the power of worship, faith, and spiritual practices. This does not include material life. You need someone to support your spiritual efforts. The power of worship – people who engage in spiritual practices, pray, fast, worship the divine, or are spiritual teachers. Anuradha Shakti gives such people power. It is also suitable for those engaged in Eastern psychology, esotericism, and astrology.


Jyeshta – the power to rise above the fear of death and dangers, the power of mastery over the subconscious. This is connected to material life and attachment to materiality. Jyeshtha Shakti helps to overcome the fear of death and other phobias, helping one to rise above them, granting freedom and strength. It teaches not to belittle life or act foolishly out of fear.


Mula – the power to destroy and eliminate things. For example, if something brings good, Mula Shakti will not assist with it. However, it will help in destroying something harmful.

Purva Ashadha

Purva Ashadha – the power of enthusiasm and inspiration. Purva Ashadha Shakti grants inspiration for action. If enthusiasm is needed, it will be beneficial to discuss matters with a Purva Ashadha personality or begin something when the Moon is in this nakshatra.

Uttara Ashadha

Uttara Ashadha – the power to grant lasting victory in all directions. This can be related to business or competitors. Consulting a Uttara Ashadha personality will help secure victory.


Shravana – the power to unite people into a group or community. This Shakti helps to bring people together, form an organization, support group, or unite friends.


Dhanishta – the power to grant honor, fame, and material wealth. A Dhanishta personality can help achieve respect in society, money, and fame.


Shatabhisha – the power to heal, cure, and provide both physical and psychological support. It is beneficial if your doctor is a Shatabhisha personality, as the treatment will be correct and effective.

Purva Bhadrapada

Purva Bhadrapada – the power to develop and progress (to evolve along the path of evolution). It is good if you are a student of a Purva Bhadrapada personality, receiving knowledge from them. This will inspire a desire to learn and grow spiritually continuously, without losing interest.

Uttara Bhadrapada

Uttara Bhadrapada – the power to provide stability and opportunities for growth. If we lack stability or consistency in something, Uttara Bhadrapada Shakti will help with this, providing security for the future, and solutions to issues related to income and prosperity.


Revati – the power to nurture and protect, to nourish and fulfill. Suitable for those who work with children. It provides security, calmness, and confidence in fulfilling all that is good.

You will feel comfortable with a Revati personality, especially if they are your partner. They will fill you with spirituality and provide material prosperity, optimism, energy for completing tasks and creation, and freedom from fears related to your future and that of your children.

Рис.1 Nakshatras

Using the table here, you can observe what a particular day or person brings to our lives (for this purpose, the first table on page 3 is also used, located above). Detailed information about each Janma Nakshatra can be found further in the text. In the first table, you find the birth Nakshatra (Janma under number 1 in the second table indicates the beginning of activity). The second row is Sampat (in the first table, this is found in the second row after Janma Nakshatra, days, and people who bring wealth, three Nakshatras in the row, and so on, checking all nine Tara positions).

Janma Nakshatra Ashwini

Рис.2 Nakshatras

This is the first nakshatra, symbolized by the head of a horse, belonging to the Aries zodiac sign (spanning from 0°0' to 13°20'). Its ruler is Ketu, and the deity is Ashwini Kumara. Those born under this constellation are loyal and strong, usually successful, and maintain good relationships with those around them.

Among them, there are also tough individuals who tend towards unlawful and immoral actions. These are usually people with a pleasant appearance, beautiful eyes, a broad forehead, and a moderately sized nose. They possess great restraint, bringing calmness and composure. The path of life they must follow is Dharma (knowing the law, morality, piety, and repaying debts).

These people can be very loyal, which may ultimately become their "downfall," as they often sacrifice themselves for the sake of their loved ones. They are also known for their high intellect. When they follow their Dharma, they gain confidence in knowledge that comes from above, making them firm in their convictions and highly self-assured.

They are thoughtful in their decisions, and once they make one, they follow it through to the end. Their calm and quiet demeanor serves as a protective mechanism against the fear of criticism and rejection. What others think of them is important to them.

People born under the Ashwini constellation have the ability to successfully navigate many paths and can find themselves in various fields. A good financial situation is not always guaranteed, so they should be cautious not to spend too much money if such an opportunity arises. They may succeed as doctors, businesspeople, in extreme sports, in law enforcement, or in fields involving weapons.

Ashwini Nakshatra representatives value family greatly. They typically have deep love for family members and friends. However, they can be stubborn and firm in their decisions, which may lead to distancing themselves from others.

Destructive degrees for planets in Ashwini in the natal chart: Moon and Ketu – 8° in Aries, Saturn – 10° in Aries. The placement of planets at destructive degrees can negatively impact the longevity of the horoscope owner or bring other troubles unless there are aspects from Mars or Jupiter. It is better not to start new things and to remain cautious whenever such planets pass through destructive degrees in the transit chart.

Janma (Starting something) – Ashwini

Sampat (Days and people bringing wealth) – Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha

Vipat (Days and people bringing misfortune) – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha

Kshema (Days and people bringing ease, prosperity, stability, and security) – Rohini, Hasta, Shravana

Pratyak (People who tend to criticize us, provoke emotions, and the days associated with this) – Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

Sadhana (Days and people leading to completion of matters, projects, relationships) – Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha

Vadha (Inauspicious days and dangerous people) – Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada

Mitra (Helpers) – Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada

Atimitra (The most beneficial days, good friends) – Ashlesha, Jyeshta, Revati

Padas of Ashwini Nakshatra

Pada 1 – Aries Navamsha (0°0' – 3°20' in Aries)

These are the most combative individuals of Ashwini, as the fire element is very strong here. This pada marks the beginning of a new cycle for any process and is ruled by Mars. Such people cannot help but act, and they do so very quickly. They are not attached to a partner or the opinions of others, being more egoistic than representatives of other padas of Ashwini Nakshatra.

If Mars is located in this pada, the person cannot sit still without doing something. They feel a strong urge to move, without being aware of the reason (this is due to Ketu's influence as the ruler of the nakshatra). If the Moon is in this pada or the Ascendant Lord, the person cannot help but care for others. Any planet in this pada will receive a lot of energy. The areas ruled by this planet will be very active. Saturn, which is naturally slow, finds this pada particularly challenging. A person with Saturn here will find it very difficult to cope with various delays.

There arises a strong need for control, as uncontrolled actions can lead the person to irreversible consequences. This pada is quite dangerous for life. It is actually a Gandanta (the boundary between two opposing elements, water and fire, Pisces and Aries). The placement of the Ascendant or the Ascendant Lord in a Gandanta degree (the last degree of Pisces – the first degree of Aries) can bring danger around the time of birth. The activity of such a person is often associated with heavy physical loads, speed, and risky activities.

Pada 2 – Taurus Navamsha (3°20' – 6°40' in Aries)

These people are calm, stable, and thoughtful in their actions, aiming to achieve benefit and results, and they see things through to the end. They can be very successful thanks to their persistence.

The ruler of this pada is Venus. Hence, possible careers may be in aesthetics, where agility and activity are required (dancing, figure skating, artistic gymnastics, massage, surgery, plastic surgery of the face). There is a strong interest in cars and horses here. Success can come through singing, performing arts, speech, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, gardening, working with trauma, or active biological supplements.

Pada 3 – Gemini Navamsha (6°40' – 10°0' in Aries)

Very intellectual people, using their minds to achieve their goals. This pada is ruled by Mercury, and the person's ideas are heard and spread very quickly.

Planets in this pada give the person the ability to solve problems quickly, especially those that must not be delayed. This pada is characterized by lottery, gambling, and sports.

These people can inspire and motivate others, but they lack practicality. They can come up with good ideas, but it is difficult for them to bring them to fruition. There is an ability to sell a product and express themselves through small and retail trade, logistics, transportation business, or marking trails.

Pada 4 – Cancer Navamsha (10°0' – 13°20' in Aries)

This pada is ruled by the Moon and is the most emotional. These people are sensitive, intuitive, and find fulfillment through caring for others, service, and healing. They are ready to act quickly, heal, and care.

They can work as psychologists, doctors, or delve deeply into another person's situation. They may also have an interest in proper nutrition or be somehow involved in military activities. Their emotions can slow down their progress, but at the same time, these people can act quickly when help is needed. They are ready to protect their family, home, and loved ones. These are very sensitive people, and it’s not worth hurting them.

Janma Nakshatra Bharani

Рис.3 Nakshatras

This is the second Nakshatra. Its symbol is a boat, and its animal symbol is an elephant. This constellation consists of three dim stars forming a triangle. It falls within the zodiac sign of Aries, spanning from 13°20' to 26°40' in Aries. Its ruling planet is Venus, and its deity is Yamaraja.

People born under this Nakshatra are focused on justice. However, they often have a heightened sense of superiority, which manifests in subjective conversations with others. Their sense of self-importance may lead them to believe they are kinder and wiser than their peers. They might even compare themselves to gods if they give excessive attention to their personality. If they follow the right path, they will embody loyalty, truth, and purity.

Bharani natives are charismatic, intellectual, and loyal to their friends. They are generally wealthy, though they may acquire their wealth through illegal or immoral means if their sense of self-importance is overly developed. They often rely on their intuition, are eager to learn and experiment, are proactive, and possess strength and patience, which help them overcome challenges.

Physical Characteristics: They have broad faces, reddish complexions (rosy cheeks), long necks, and medium height (those born during the middle of the day tend to be taller). Men are prone to balding but have thick eyebrows. They may be kind and generous but often appear stern.

These individuals are born to lead but lack sufficient discipline. They seek to control all situations, which can lead to problems. Financial success can be difficult due to a lack of self-control. To maintain support, they must continuously invest effort. Eventually, they find their purpose and become successful in their work, eager to explore various opportunities in life. They are dynamic, resourceful, and inventive. They can excel in performing arts (dance, singing, painting, acting), as well as build successful careers as businesspeople, lawyers, surgeons, or administrators.

They are deeply attached to their family, investing energy in their relatives, making them good partners. Typically, they enjoy good health but may suffer from chronic pains, diabetes, and dental issues. They are usually afraid of water and are at an increased risk of drowning. They may also have a tendency toward excess, including overeating.

Malefic Degrees of Planets in Bharani Nakshatra in the Natal Chart: Rahu at 14° in Aries, Mercury at 15° in Aries, Mars and Jupiter at 19° in Aries, Sun at 20° in Aries. The placement of these planets at their malefic degrees negatively impacts the longevity of the horoscope holder, unless there are beneficial aspects from Venus, or it may bring significant sorrow. One must exercise caution whenever these planets transit through their malefic degrees, and avoid starting new ventures during such times.

Janma (Starting something): Bharani

Sampat (Days and people bringing wealth): Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha

Vipat (Days and people bringing misfortune): Rohini, Hasta, Shravana

Kshema (Days and people bringing ease, prosperity, stability, and security): Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

Pratyak (People who tend to criticize us, provoke emotions, and the days associated with this): Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha

Sadhana (Days and people leading to completion of matters, projects, relationships): Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada

Vadha (Inauspicious days and dangerous people): Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada

Mitra (Helpers): Ashlesha, Jyeshta, Revati

Atimitra (The most beneficial days, good friends): Ashwini, Magha, Mula

Padas of Bharani Nakshatra

Pada 1 – Leo Navamsha (13°20' – 16°40' in Aries)

This pada is ruled by the Sun. People in this pada are more inclined toward creativity and leadership, achieving fulfillment through leadership, dominance, and noble impulses. They aim to give and receive, striving to bring prosperity to those around them. This is a team leader who stands out and cannot be ignored.

A person with the Moon or Ascendant in this pada will be highly confident, proud, and sometimes stern, upholding law and order. This pada is closely associated with lawyers and legal professionals, as well as politicians. Such individuals may rid society of outdated laws, uplift morale, and uphold ethics using the power of the Sun.

These individuals are also artistic and can succeed in independent arts. They may be interested in history, dead languages, and ancient civilizations. Saturn in Bharani brings such interests, especially when there is a planet in conjunction with Saturn or under its aspects.

Pada 2 – Virgo Navamsha (16°40' – 20°00' in Aries)

This pada is ruled by Mercury. These individuals are critical thinkers and reflective, preferring to act through intellect rather than brute force, focusing on intellectual self-development.

They are calm and goal-oriented. It is rare for them not to know which goal to pursue, and they usually achieve what they want.

The main characteristic of this pada is its organizational skills and desire to serve.

Jupiter, Mars, and the Sun are particularly strong in this pada.

Pada 3 – Libra Navamsha (20°00' – 23°20' in Aries)

Venus rules this pada. This pada is less harmonious than the previous one in Bharani Nakshatra.

Such individuals often face many contradictions, particularly in their personal lives. They tend to have relationship issues.

This pada is characterized by the ability to balance opposites and a resistance to restrictions in relationships and sexuality. Depending on their spiritual development, this may manifest positively or negatively, leading to the fulfillment of the individual's desires.

Venus, Mercury, and Rahu are strong in this pada.

Pada 4 – Scorpio Navamsha (23°20' – 26°40' in Aries)

This pada is ruled by Mars, making the person indulgent, quick-tempered, unstable, and focused on matters of death.

The individual's work may also be related to death (for example, in funeral services). This pada's energy is extremely intense.

Any planet in this pada is unpredictable. Mars, the Sun, and Ketu are strong here but do not bring good results.

Only Venus and Jupiter can help the person wisely utilize the potential of this pada so as not to harm themselves.

Janma Nakshatra Krittika

Рис.4 Nakshatras

This is the third Nakshatra, symbolized by fire or a razor blade, with the animal symbol being a sheep. It is the first Nakshatra that spans two zodiac signs (Aries and Taurus). It covers between 26°40' in Aries and 10°0' in Taurus. The ruling planet is the Sun, and the deity is Agni.

These are decisive, sharp, and ambitious people, with high motivation, sharp minds, and a tendency toward cynicism, sometimes too much so. They have a straightforward approach, dislike beating around the bush, and possess an explosive temperament, but if they get angry, it passes very quickly. They can be stubborn, overly direct, and aggressive, which can lead to difficulties in teamwork.

They often use the respect they receive from family and friends who appreciate them. Their lives are marked by ups and downs. Due to indecisiveness, their careers and activities are diverse and numerous.

Usually, these individuals are of medium height, with good eyes, a large nose, and a broad neck. They are intellectual, free-thinking, and enjoy exploring other cultures and living in various places. They have good, loyal friends and advisors, strive for the welfare of all, and may lose interest in their activities because their successes are often not material.

The problems they encounter can be reduced if they maintain a balance between desires and reality. These people love seeking adventures, and their work life may involve a lot of travel. They prefer to work independently. Suitable careers include being a manager, lawyer, engineer, doctor, or project manager.

For them, family is a source of happiness, bringing internal calm and joy. They have close relationships with their mother and are often happy in marriage. These are loyal people, both as parents and as spouses. Overeating can lead to health problems.

Janma (Starting something): Krittika

Sampat (Days and people bringing wealth): Rohini, Hasta, Shravana

Vipat (Days and people bringing misfortune): Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

Kshema (Days and people bringing ease, prosperity, stability, and security): Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha

Pratyak(People who tend to criticize us, provoke emotions, and the days associated with this): Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada

Sadhana (Days and people leading to completion of matters, projects, relationships): Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada

Vadha (Inauspicious days and dangerous people): Ashlesha, Jyeshta, Revati

Mitra (Helpers): Ashwini, Magha, Mula

Atimitra (The most beneficial days, good friends): Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha

Padas of Krittika Nakshatra

Pada 1 – Sagittarius Navamsha (26°40' – 30° in Aries)

Jupiter rules this pada. These people want to improve the world and elevate it. They are inclined toward public service (politics, management) and can build organizations that change the world for the better. This pada bestows good manners, a talent for investigations, illness, but long life. Planets in this pada make a person determined and resilient. Particularly strong are Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, and Ketu.

Pada 2 – Capricorn Navamsha (0°0' – 3°20' in Taurus)

Saturn rules this pada. These people are more oriented towards the financial domain. They worry and see things from a material perspective. They are the least interested in empty talk and focus on tangible results, particularly the acquisition of money. The Moon here reaches its highest exaltation point, making the person very caring and concerned. Saturn and Mars are also strong here. Mars is more associated with receiving support from others rather than giving help to someone else.

Pada 3 – Aquarius Navamsha (3°20' – 6°40' in Taurus)

This pada is ruled by Saturn. The sign of Aquarius makes these people good researchers and scientists. Saturn may bring limitations and poverty here. This pada gives the person intellect, toughness, irritability, and the ability to learn all kinds of subjects. None of the planets are debilitated in Aquarius, so they can all express themselves well in their respective areas of responsibility.

Pada 4 – Pisces Navamsha (6°40' – 10°0' in Taurus)

This pada is ruled by Jupiter. These people are kind, sensitive, and easygoing. They know how to leave a situation and accept the world as it is. They are inclined toward social work and can join organizations and lead them. This pada fosters teamwork, good education, and philosophical knowledge. It also gives the person a sense of superiority, which can lead to anxiety, making them poor and ill. Ketu, Venus, and Jupiter in this pada interact well with it and use its energy fully. Mercury uses the energy of the pada only partially.

Janma Nakshatra Rohini

Рис.5 Nakshatras

This is the fourth nakshatra, symbolized by a chariot drawn by a bull. The symbolic animal is a snake. It consists of five stars in the constellation of Taurus, forming the head of a bull.

Rohini is the first nakshatra entirely located within Taurus, covering 10° to 23°20' in Taurus. Its ruler is the Moon, and the deity is Brahma.

These people are critical and materialistic, often possessing balanced, grounded, and stable approaches. Rohini symbolizes growth and fertility, which can lead people born under this nakshatra to be very sexual and use sexuality to achieve their goals.

They are artistic, unique, and highly value beauty, art, jewelry-making, cosmetics, and jewelry. They have a developed imagination, many talents, and their success depends on their ability to combine imagination with action.

Typically, such people are well-built, tall, with bright eyes and a dazzling smile, expressive voice, and hand movements. They speak fluently, seductively, and display noble manners.

They are not easy to understand, as if they have two sides: one loving, gentle; the other – tough, rigid. They may become aggressive when others interfere in their affairs or those of their family. They might hesitate, and when there’s no choice, accept changes.

These people are emotional, follow their hearts, are spontaneous, known for not planning things, are financially dependent, and lack long-term endeavors. They usually obtain good jobs and work well, but impatience and inattention may present obstacles on their path to success.

Thanks to many talents, such a person can become a sculptor, artist, photographer, musician, creative director, engage in advertising, jewelry design, marketing, writing, and editing, or succeed in agriculture and environmental work.

Usually, these people are overly attached to their mother but have poor relationships with their father. Their married life is typically turbulent.

There is a tendency toward respiratory diseases, frequent throat issues, possible blood diseases, cancer, and hypoglycemia.

The destructive degrees of planets in Rohini Nakshatra in the natal chart: Mercury – 14° in Taurus, Venus – 15° in Taurus, Ketu – 18° in Taurus. Those who have these planets at such positions in their horoscope should be cautious during transits at these dangerous degrees and avoid starting new things at this time.

Janma (Starting something) – Rohini

Sampat (Days and people bringing wealth) – Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

Vipat (Days and people bringing misfortune) – Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha

Kshema (Days and people bringing ease, prosperity, stability, and security) – Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada

Pratyak (People who tend to criticize us, provoke emotions, and the days associated with this) – Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada

Sadhana (Days and people leading to completion of matters, projects, relationships) – Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati

Vadha (Inauspicious days and dangerous people) – Ashwini, Magha, Mula

Mitra (Helpers) – Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha

Atimitra (The most beneficial days, good friends) – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha

Padas of Rohini Nakshatra

Pada 1 – Aries Navamsha (10°0' – 13°20' in Taurus)

This pada is ruled by Mars. These people are very active, light, and aspire to achieve quick results.

Here, passion increases along with material tendencies. There is considerable attention to uniqueness. Planets here need material results quickly. The Sun and Mars can be auspicious.

At its highest aspect, this pada can make a person a spiritual warrior who fights against exploitation.

Pada 2 – Taurus Navamsha (13°20' – 16°40' in Taurus)

This pada is ruled by Venus. Here all the positive traits of the nakshatra are concentrated. The Moon in this pada is exalted and prosperous. These are stable people inclined to finish things. It is more important for them to do something with quality than to start multiple things without bringing any to completion.

Planets here usually bring abundance and resource acquisition, even under adverse conditions. However, these people are overly materialistic. This pada allows for expressing thoughts and emotions through material means. This is the strongest pada in the zodiac for fulfilling life wishes. Venus, Saturn, the Moon, and Mercury are particularly strong here.

Pada 3 – Gemini Navamsha (16°40' – 20°0' in Taurus)

Mercury rules this pada. These people are intellectual, inclined toward business, and love to travel. They have literary skills and scientific abilities.

These people are sharp-minded, flexible, carefree, cheerful, and wealthy.

Venus, Mercury, and Saturn give good results in this pada.

Pada 4 – Cancer Navamsha (20°0' – 23°20' in Taurus)

The pada is ruled by the Moon. These people are sensitive and oriented towards family values.

They dedicate themselves to what they love, and afterward, find it hard to let go if there’s no other choice. This can mean attachment to children, home, or some endeavor.

There is also special attention to securing the home and material gains. Finances come through short travels.

Planets located in this pada provide maternal qualities but can also bring limitations and excessive attachment, with a tendency to hoard. The Moon and Jupiter are strong here.

Janma Nakshatra Mrigashira

Рис.6 Nakshatras

This is the fifth Nakshatra, represented by the constellation Orion with three stars, depicting the head of the celestial hunter. Its main symbol is the head of a deer, and its animal symbol is an antelope. This Nakshatra spans from 23°20' in Taurus to 6°40' in Gemini. The ruling planet is Mars, and the deity is Chandra (Moon).

These individuals are capable of great love (especially towards their mother). However, they may also be restless, anxious, and inclined to wander. Such personalities love to explore, discover, and sometimes follow a spiritual path of development. Known for their slender bodies, they are often tall, with large, pleasant eyes.

Typically, these people are highly moral, intellectual, but tend to admire people who do not deserve it. They may experience betrayal in business, so they must be cautious in choosing friends and partners. Deep within, they are shy and prefer to avoid conflicts, but when challenged, they can become aggressive and hold grudges for a long time. They are sensitive, fragile, yet wise and intelligent, possessing prosperity, respect, and a certain lightheartedness toward others.

Despite being successful, they struggle to retain wealth due to mistakes that lead to professional and financial downfall. Because of their intellect, they quickly grow bored and find it difficult to complete things. Their professional interests may be related to engineering, communication, tourism, and music.

These individuals are deeply connected to family, feel great love and admiration for them, but often do not receive the same response and affection they very much expect. Their marriages are usually short, and their love lives are complex. They frequently suffer from illnesses during childhood, tend to have digestive issues, and may experience trauma in the shoulder area.

Destructive Degrees for Planets in Mrigashira: Mars – 28° in Taurus, Jupiter – 29° in Taurus. Those with such a placement for Jupiter or Mars in their birth chart should exercise caution and avoid starting new ventures when these planets transit the dangerous degrees.

Janma (Starting something) – Mrigashira

Sampat (Days and people bringing wealth) – Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha

Vipat (Days and people bringing misfortune) – Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada

Kshema (Days and people bringing ease, prosperity, stability, and security) – Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada

Pratyak (People who tend to criticize us, provoke emotions, and the days associated with this) – Ashlesha, Jyeshta, Revati

Sadhana (Days and people leading to completion of matters, projects, relationships) – Ashwini, Magha, Mula

Vadha (Inauspicious days and dangerous people) – Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purvashadha

Mitra (Helpers) – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha

Atimitra (The most beneficial days, good friends) – Rohini, Hasta, Shravana

Padas of the Mrigashira Nakshatra

Pada 1 – Leo Navamsha (23°20' – 26°40' in Taurus)

This pada is ruled by the Sun. These are artistic people, often learning various kinds of arts, different techniques of working with hands, constantly in creative search, always changing their approach to work-related matters. This pada belongs to the determined and stable side of Mrigashira, but there is an opportunity to express experience through artistic and creative endeavors.

Pada 2 – Virgo Navamsha (26°40' – 30° in Taurus)

This pada is ruled by Mercury. Such people engage in intellectual fields of activity, becoming linguists, scientists, researchers, historians, and archaeologists. This pada represents the calculated, discerning, satirical, and humorous side of Mrigashira. These people are also characterized by deep insight and high intellectual capabilities.

Pada 3 – Libra Navamsha (0°0' – 3°20' in Gemini)

This pada is ruled by Venus. Such individuals find fulfillment in communication. Relationships with people, acquiring and sharing information are very important to them. These are journalists, writers, editors, authors. This is the first pada of Mrigashira located in Gemini, so these individuals are very talkative and tend to explore the mental aspect of relationships. This pada is more airy compared to the previous one, hence it cannot bring high material results.

Pada 4 – Scorpio Navamsha (3°20' – 6°40' in Gemini)

The ruling planet of this pada is Mars, which brings nervousness, drama, possessiveness, anger, and a desire to reach the point, identifying the negative aspect of every item. This pada is not as superficial as the Libra pada within this Nakshatra but tends to over-intellectualize questions without getting to their core. Most of the negative qualities of Mrigashira are manifested in this pada.

Janma Nakshatra Ardra

Рис.7 Nakshatras

This is the sixth nakshatra, representing a drop or a human head, with the animal symbol of a dog. It spans between 6°40' to 20°0' in Gemini. The ruling planet is Rahu, and the deity is Rudra.

These individuals recover quickly and can easily create something from nothing. However, they may desire control, money, and material things intensely; they are often calculating and cold in their ambitions for success.

According to Indian astrology, those born under the Ardra star group tend to be "tough on the outside and soft on the inside." Numerous obstacles and personal sacrifices they are forced to make may render them aggressive.

There is something about these individuals that makes them stand out among others. This is not necessarily beauty but rather a charm that attracts others to them. They possess a strong, dominant personality, typically represented by a person with a tough appearance.

These people have a strong intuition. Good planetary placements can minimize negative traits in their character and provide an opportunity for success.

They have excellent potential to earn, can easily adapt, and express themselves in various professions. Typically, they have more than one career in life and perform any job well, though they often do not receive the admiration they deserve.

They may succeed in scientific careers, communication, advertising, transportation, as well as import and export.

They spend most of their time on work rather than family, so their marriage often does not bring them joy. Their constant absence from home complicates communication with children, and they have little influence on their children's upbringing.

Their dual temperament may lead them to chronic depression, growths, drugs, and ultimately, premature death.

They may suffer from lung and heart diseases, dental problems, hearing issues, and paralysis. However, these issues are self-healable through emotional control, gratitude, and understanding of self-worth.

The destructive planetary degrees in Ardra are: Saturn – 7° in Gemini, Venus – 11° in Gemini, Sun, Jupiter, and Rahu – 12° in Gemini, Mercury – 13° in Gemini. Times when Mercury is poorly placed in the birth chart are neutralized if it is joined with the Moon. Strong Mars effects or conjunction with it also eases negative expression. One should be cautious not to start anything new when the aforementioned planets transit their dangerous degrees.

Janma (Starting something) – Ardra

Sampat (Days and people bringing wealth) – Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada

Vipat (Days and people bringing misfortune) – Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada

Kshema (Days and people bringing ease, prosperity, stability, and security) – Ashlesha, Jyeshta, Revati

Pratyak (People who tend to criticize us, provoke emotions, and the days associated with this) – Ashwini, Magha, Mula

Sadhana (Days and people leading to completion of matters, projects, relationships) – Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purvashadha

Vadha (Inauspicious days and dangerous people) – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttarashadha

Mitra (Helpers) – Rohini, Hasta, Shravana

Atimitra (The most beneficial days, good friends) – Chitra, Dhanishta, Mrigashira

Padas of Ardra Nakshatra

Pada 1 – Sagittarius Navamsha (6°40' – 10°0' in Gemini)

This pada is ruled by Jupiter. These people are wise, calm, emotional, sensitive to the feelings of others, and altruistic. They set goals and objectives that are not only beneficial to them but also to those around them, to the collective.

This pada is associated with Ardra’s curiosity and exploratory side. It is characterized by attachment and emotional control.

Planets positioned in this pada give a person carefreeness and a tendency towards material excess.

Pada 2 – Capricorn Navamsha (10°0' – 13°20' in Gemini)

Saturn rules this pada. Such individuals are often disappointed with what they have achieved and aspired to. They are work-oriented, patient, and fight to the end, but when everything finally succeeds and ends, they feel disappointed.

This pada compels them to chase material achievements without feeling happiness from the outcomes. Many negative traits of the nakshatra are expressed here. Storms amplify their powers, and therefore planets positioned here become sources of various problems.

Pada 3 – Aquarius Navamsha (13°20' – 16°40' in Gemini)

This pada is ruled by Saturn. These people are stubborn, maximally involved in battles, capable of removing anyone from their path.

They are good businessmen and can sell anything. They are also successful in investigations and anything related to intellectual pursuits.

This pada is linked to sciences, research, as well as electronics. Planets positioned here may bring short and sudden bursts of inspiration, good speaking skills, a tendency to rudeness, and slander.

Pada 4 – Pisces Navamsha (16°40' – 20°0' in Gemini)

Jupiter rules this pada and expresses its traits here to the fullest. These individuals are capable of compassion and sacrifice and may abandon their goal for the sake of others, doing something beneficial for people. However, their personal goal remains the most important to them.

Planets positioned here usually yield good results. Traits like unkindness and uniqueness may manifest. Family life includes challenges.

Janma Nakshatra Punarvasu

Рис.8 Nakshatras

This is the seventh nakshatra, represented by an arrow and bow, with the animal symbol being a cat. It spans between 20°0' in Gemini to 3°20' in Cancer, with Jupiter as the ruling planet, and the deity being Aditi.

According to Vedic astrology, this nakshatra governs the accumulation of wealth and abundance. It is also connected with productivity, noble activity, and protection of children.

Those born under this nakshatra possess unlimited energy and inner strength; they came into the world to face certain trials in life. Their joy for life helps them adapt easily to changes caused by obstacles.

These individuals have a philosophical mindset, strong spiritual convictions, and wisdom. They are generally generous, charming, and forgiving. They exhibit inner simplicity and aspirations to live in the present.

Typically, these individuals are tall, with a round and elongated face, a well-defined bone structure, and they often have a mole or identifiable mark on their face, head, or shoulder.

Such personalities have a sense of self-worth, high moral values, kindness, tenderness, and sensitivity. If their gentle approach doesn’t work, they can become aggressive.

These are artistic individuals who love art, literature, poetry, and may succeed in tourism, marketing, spirituality, and environmental fields.

They are obedient, respectful children who honor their parents, though they often do not adhere to family traditions. Their marriages can be complex, especially if there are health issues or chronic illnesses. Their homes cannot be called peaceful and calm, as there is often stress and worry. Nervous disorders and stress may lead to digestive issues.

Destructive Degrees for Planets in Punarvasu: Ketu – 20° in Gemini, Moon – 22° in Gemini, Mars – 25° in Gemini .The aspects of the Sun or Jupiter on these planets (at destructive degrees) in the birth chart improve the situation. Otherwise, they may bring troubles or negatively affect longevity. It is important to be cautious and not start new ventures during Ketu, Moon, and Mars transits in these destructive degrees.

Janma (Starting something) – Punarvasu

Sampat (Days and people bringing wealth) – Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada

Vipat (Days and people bringing misfortune) – Ashlesha, Jyeshta, Revati

Kshema (Days and people bringing ease, prosperity, stability, and security) – Ashwini, Magha, Mula

Pratyak (People who tend to criticize us, provoke emotions, and the days associated with this) – Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha

Sadhana (Days and people leading to completion of matters, projects, relationships) – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha

Vadha (Inauspicious days and dangerous people) – Rohini, Hasta, Shravana

Mitra (Helpers) – Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

Atimitra (The most beneficial days, good friends) – Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha

Padas of Punarvasu Nakshatra

Pada 1 – Aries Navamsha (20°0' – 23°20' in Gemini)

Mars rules this pada. These people are very active, expect quick results from their work, and organize and lead teams to implement their ideas.

Anxiety, a desire for harmony and abundance, and curiosity combine with energy, a will for change, leadership, emotional outbursts, and a sense of superiority.

This pada is very suitable for turning ideas into reality. The energy of Punarvasu Nakshatra can lead one to daydream and talk too much about world peace without concretely realizing their ideas. However, this pada, located in the sign ruled by Mercury (Gemini), provides qualities such as rationality, the ability to use intellect, and the courage to act.

This pada produces architects, engineers, and those who create something concrete.

Pada 2 – Taurus Navamsha (23°20' – 26°40' in Gemini)

Venus rules this pada. These individuals are not as active as those in the previous pada. Their work is based on caring for others, material prosperity, and material pleasures. They can create a place where people receive comfort, protection, care, and new knowledge.

This pada can give a person skillfulness, sensitivity, and nervousness.

This is the more material part of Punarvasu. The calculated energy of Mercury is directed by the wisdom of Jupiter (ruler of the nakshatra) and realized through the beauty, pleasures, and material goodness of Venus.

Fields associated with this pada include the restaurant business, modeling, tourism, import/export of goods, finance, creativity, kindergartens, schools, and many others.

Planets here receive support. The Moon brings curiosity, harmony, stability, and practicality to a person.

Pada 3 – Gemini Navamsha (26°40' – 30° in Gemini)

Mercury rules this pada. Such people highly value speech, communication, receiving and exchanging information. They possess high intellect and extensive knowledge, which they convey to others through their actions.

Mercury here provides eloquence, politeness, and language knowledge.

Planets in this pada express themselves very positively. If the Moon is located here, the person can handle multiple projects simultaneously, have several children, be educated and curious. Venus here brings high intellect, wit, irony, and objectivity.

Pada 4 – Cancer Navamsha (0°0' – 3°20' in Cancer)

The Moon rules this pada, and it also rules the nakshatra, calming it. This pada has strong lunar energy and is considered one of the best sections of the zodiac.

These are caring people with good intuition who listen well to others, understand their psychology, and accept them as they are. This pada is motherly, nurturing, and brings out the motherly qualities of the Punarvasu Nakshatra. It also provides sensitivity and sensuality.

In this pada, attachment issues may arise (to children, a loved one, or projects).

Any planet located in this pada becomes sensitive. Jupiter is exalted here. Mars, despite its debilitation, brings positive results.

Janma Nakshatra Pushya

Рис.9 Nakshatras

This is the eighth nakshatra. Its primary symbol is a cow’s udder, and the symbolic animal is a sheep. The cow’s symbol signifies generosity, good upbringing, and a selfless nature. Pushya lies entirely within the sign of Cancer, covering from 3°20' to 16°40' in Cancer. Its ruler is Saturn, and the deity is Brihaspati.

These individuals may have an attractive appearance, charm, and often possess the potential to earn money and hold a good position in society. If their moral and religious principles are challenged, they may become aggressive. They are fragile, vulnerable, and often experience sorrow and mental pain. They do not have a particular body type or overall appearance. Many of them bear a distinguishing mark: a scar, mole, or a limp.

The decision-making process can be overly complex for them. They prefer others to assume responsibility. It is known that these individuals often fall victim to peer pressure, as they struggle to stand their ground in challenging situations.

Those born under the Pushya nakshatra have high intellect, which is not dependent on their level of education, and they are excellent conversationalists. They are capable of achieving significant professional success, but their success tends to fluctuate. There is a tendency for betrayal from business partners or impulsive decision-making, which can lead to financial losses.

Suitable professions for them include fields related to communication, education, and marketing. It will always be beneficial for them to expand personal and professional boundaries to sustain ongoing professional success.

They are loyal to their parents. Marital relationships are strained due to challenges in trusting others. However, patience will help them find a suitable partner and build strong relationships.

They may face serious health problems from childhood. In later years, there is a tendency toward liver diseases, digestive issues, and respiratory ailments.

Destructive Degrees of the Planets in the Pushya Nakshatra: Sun – 6° in Cancer, Saturn – 9° in Cancer, Ketu – 10° in Cancer, Rahu – 11° in Cancer, Mercury – 12° in Cancer. If in your natal chart, a planet occupies these destructive degrees in Pushya, caution is advised, and it is best not to start anything new when they transit through these destructive degrees.

Janma (Starting something) – Pushya

Sampat (Days and people bringing wealth) – Ashlesha, Jyeshta, Revati

Vipat (Days and people bringing misfortune) – Ashwini, Magha, Mula

Kshema (Days and people bringing ease, prosperity, stability, and security) – Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha

Pratyak (People who tend to criticize us, provoke emotions, and the days associated with this) – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha

Sadhana (Days and people leading to completion of matters, projects, relationships) – Rohini, Hasta, Shravana

Vadha (Inauspicious days and dangerous people) – Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

Mitra (Helpers) – Ardra, Swati, Satabhisha

Atimitra (The most beneficial days, good friends) – Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada

Padas of Pushya Nakshatra

Pada 1 – Leo Navamsha (3°20' – 6°40' in Cancer)

The Sun rules this pada. These individuals may openly express their care and support for others in a characteristic manner. It is important to them that others recognize the good they do, acknowledge their investment in public matters, and their concern for those around them. This pada brings pride in family or lineage, a desire to attain wealth, and attention from everyone. Planets in this pada yield strongly positive results.

Pada 2 – Virgo Navamsha (6°40' – 10° in Cancer)

The ruler of this pada is Mercury. These are modest people, concerned with how others view them, oriented towards hard work, and often have very high aspirations. Their activity is often connected to agriculture. All planets here, except for Venus, bring something positive.

Pada 3 – Libra Navamsha (10° – 13°20' in Cancer)

Venus is the ruler of this pada. There is a focus on the home, comfort, and luxury. These individuals enjoy speaking, have beneficial social connections, and wish prosperity for everyone. The drawbacks of this pada include superficiality and conformity. Professions related to counseling, speaking, and teaching are suitable. Mercury, the Moon, Venus, and Saturn do well in this pada.

Pada 4 – Scorpio Navamsha (13°20' – 16°40' in Cancer)

Mars rules this pada, making the person aggressive and intrusive in their concern for others. They may turn themselves into victims or become violent and harass others. These people do not know boundaries, whether in care or in love. Disappointment with someone may cause them to feel insulted and remain angry for a long time. Only Venus and Jupiter are strong here, provided they are not afflicted.

Janma Nakshatra Ashlesha

Рис.10 Nakshatras

This is the ninth nakshatra, associated with kundalini energy. Its primary symbol—a coiled snake—represents wisdom. The animal symbol is a cat. Ashlesha is entirely within the sign of Cancer, occupying 16°40' to 30° in Cancer. The ruling planet is Mercury, and the deity is Sarpa (the serpent).

These people are sharp, tough, may be cold, cunning, and ruthless, stopping at nothing to achieve a particular goal. When they rise socially, they sometimes use flattery, may make incorrect decisions, and are prone to outbursts of anger.

These people can have deep thoughts, be very intelligent, and also sensitive. However, there may be situations where they use their knowledge to control others. They may take a hard approach with people and should be careful not to alienate friends and relatives because of this. They often live in a black-and-white world, lacking flexibility. With leadership qualities, they can attract others. If they control their character, they will achieve great success at the right time and place. A strong desire for control may risk achieving their goals. Ambitions and loyalty can harm them and lead to unlawful actions. It’s believed that among these people, some may become criminals.

Ashlesha personalities are usually successful in business, politics, literature, and legal affairs. They are also suited for studying occult mysticism and astrology. Complex relationships with relatives can occur; a lack of compassion and inability to compromise make their marriages challenging. Such people often take on too many family obligations, which causes problems. An inflexible approach to life prevents their soul from finding peace. They may experience issues with the liver, heartburn, gas, unexplained pain in the legs, as well as addiction to drugs.

The destructive degrees of planets in the Ashlesha nakshatra are: Venus – 17° in Cancer, Moon – 22° in Cancer, Mars – 23° in Cancer, Jupiter – 27° in Cancer, It is advisable to avoid starting new activities during transits of these planets through destructive degrees or if they are located in such positions in the natal chart.

Janma (Starting something) – Ashlesha

Sampat (Days and people bringing wealth) – Ashwini, Magha, Mula

Vipat (Days and people bringing misfortune) – Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha

Kshema (Days and people bringing ease, prosperity, stability, and security) – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha

Pratyak (People who tend to criticize us, provoke emotions, and the days associated with this) – Rohini, Hasta, Shravana

Sadhana (Days and people leading to completion of matters, projects, relationships) – Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

Vadha (Inauspicious days and dangerous people) – Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha

Mitra (Helpers) – Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada

Atimitra (The most beneficial days, good friends) – Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada

Padas of Ashlesha Nakshatra

Pada 1 – Sagittarius Navamsha (16°40' – 20°0' in Cancer)

Jupiter rules this pada. This is one of the best padas of the Ashlesha nakshatra, beneficial for social life. It is the pada of wealth and fame, bringing wisdom, happiness, and generosity.

On the other hand, this pada gives the ability to perform the hardest work, connected to wars, illnesses, hostility, and other matters of the sixth house. Here, cold actions are combined with morality, ideology, altruism, philosophy, and working for a higher cause. This pada belongs to lawyers, attorneys, and religious leaders.

Pada 2 – Capricorn Navamsha (20°0' – 23°20' in Cancer)

Saturn rules this pada. Such people are very ambitious, focused on their career throughout life, not keeping random people close. This pada may push them to lie to achieve their goal.

These people can be sickly, tough, cold, and able to endure harsh conditions. They require motivation and encouragement in their work. This pada is considered unfavorable for finances. Another trait of this pada is the inability to part with property.

Pada 3 – Aquarius Navamsha (23°20' – 26°40' in Cancer)

Saturn rules this pada. Such people tend to have doubts and psychological problems due to strong emotions. Intellectual life and intense emotional depth make them morally exhausted. They may be unemployed and poor.

This pada brings inventors, chemists, scientific altruists whose goal is to bring their ideas to the masses. Such people are often attached to friends, organizing groups excellently for specific tasks. Planets placed here are detrimental to the welfare of the mother.

The person may be withered and anxious but has good scientific knowledge.

Pada 4 – Pisces Navamsha (26°40' – 30° in Cancer)

Jupiter rules this pada. These people are interested in everything hidden, mystical, esoteric, magic, shamanism, and occult sciences. They may fall into illusions, entering a world of impractical esotericism and magic. There may be a disconnection from reality, where the person does not see the world as it is, and the world does not see them as they are.

This pada is associated with a moral struggle, compelling a person to hide their true nature, making them passionate, temperamental, and connected to sensual pleasures.

These are very loyal and responsible people, capable of deep emotional connection, caring, sensitivity, and the ability to perceive others’ emotional needs.

The placement of planets here negatively affects the father’s welfare.

Janma Nakshatra Magha

Рис.11 Nakshatras

This is the tenth nakshatra, represented by 6 stars that resemble a sickle. The nakshatra is symbolized by a royal throne, and the animal symbol is a male rat. It occupies 0°0' to 13°20' in Leo. Its ruling planet is Ketu, and its deity is Pitri.

These individuals are charismatic, playful, and attractive. They possess authority, dominance, and high status in society. They are leaders, initiators, and tend to be genuine. They are concerned about how they conduct themselves with others, so they act carefully to avoid offending anyone. If they accidentally hurt someone, they immediately apologize and try to resolve the issue. At the same time, they dislike interference from others in their affairs, which often leads them to accumulate enemies.

The Magha Nakshatra is ruled by demons, and thus, those born under this constellation are sometimes inclined toward material pleasures. These individuals are attractive in appearance. Men are typically not tall, with strong, hairy bodies, while women are attractive, have beautiful, long hair, and take care of their appearance.

They are intelligent, genuine, understanding, and avoid gossip. They can be very spiritual, respectful of tradition and elders. They often choose careers in social work because they care about the well-being of all. They can build scientific careers, engage in investigations, are very curious, and have leadership qualities. They generally earn well, but their financial situation may fluctuate. They are capable of working hard with persistence.

Such people are family-oriented and typically enjoy stable and happy lives, often with large families. Their health is generally strong, though they may suffer from asthma, epilepsy, and eye diseases.

Malefic Degrees in Magha Nakshatra – Jupiter – 6° in Leo, Sun and Moon – 8° in Leo, Venus – 10° in Leo, Saturn – 12° in Leo. If at least one of these planets is at a malefic degree in the natal chart, it may negatively affect the longevity of the chart-holder or bring various troubles. The situation improves if Mars and the Moon strongly aspect the planet in question. Caution is advised, and important matters should not be initiated when a planet transits the malefic degree.

Janma (Starting something) – Magha

Sampat (Days and people bringing wealth) – Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purvashadha

Vipat (Days and people bringing misfortune) – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha

Kshema (Days and people bringing ease, prosperity, stability, and security) – Rohini, Hasta, Shravana

Pratyak (People who tend to criticize us, provoke emotions, and the days associated with this) – Mrigashira, Chitra, Jyeshta

Sadhana (Days and people leading to completion of matters, projects, relationships) – Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha

Vadha (Inauspicious days and dangerous people) – Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada

Mitra (Helpers) – Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada

Atimitra (The most beneficial days, good friends) – Ashlesha, Jyeshta, Revati

Padas of Magha Nakshatra

Pada 1 – Aries Navamsha (0°0' – 3°20' in Leo)

Ruled by Mars. These are active individuals capable of inspiring others and organizing teams. They express themselves through practical activities. They have high self-confidence, strong willpower, and resilience. They have leadership qualities, are ambitious, i-focused, and respected by superiors. They may have a glamorous appearance, are multitaskers, and able to complete multiple tasks at once.

Pada 2 – Taurus Navamsha (3°20' – 6°40' in Leo)

Ruled by Venus. These individuals are not quick decision-makers and are highly ambitious. They think carefully, calculating the financial benefits of their actions. Prestige, control, comfort, and profit are very important to them, and they do not like to waste their energy. Planets here bring support from superiors and high institutions, negative fame, and worries.

Pada 3 – Gemini Navamsha (6°40' – 10°0' in Leo)

Ruled by Mercury. These individuals are intellectually developed, love creativity, and strive for leadership in non-material realms. They spend much of their time pursuing education and later share their knowledge with others. This pada includes historians and archaeologists with extensive knowledge of different cultures. Planets located here enable success only through the support of groups, and they may create family conflicts.

Pada 4 – Cancer Navamsha (10°0' – 13°20' in Leo)

Ruled by the Moon. These people dedicate significant time to their families, bringing energy to all family members, ready to support everyone, and are pillars of the family. They typically receive attention from their family. Their ambitions are often linked to their family. They may have a love for rituals, respect for ancestors, concern for the well-being of relatives, and are focused on family continuity and home life. Planets in this pada bring family pride and a sense of sexuality.

Janma Nakshatra Purva Phalguni

Рис.12 Nakshatras

This is the 11th nakshatra, entirely located in the sign of Leo. Purva Phalguni and Uttara Phalguni are considered nakshatras that bring luck and happiness. Symbol: an open hammock (representing restoration, rest). Animal symbol: rat. It spans from 13°20' to 26°40' in Leo. Ruling planet: Venus. Deity: Bhaga (the god of fortune).

Similar to Leo, those born under this nakshatra need enough time for rest, calm, and introspection. They are generally carefree, never worry, and are very lucky. They have an attractive quality that draws people to them, which they use to influence others. They enjoy being happy and sharing their happiness with those close to them. They possess endurance, masculinity, and work persistently to achieve their goals. Such people are destined for success.

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